Leg Curl - Seated Machine

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Hamstrings Strength Seated Leg Curl Machine Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise works the hamstrings.

Benefits: This exercise ensures that the hamstrings are isolated.

Position yourself in the seated leg curl machine and place your lower legs on top of the padded lever bar. Secure the lap pad against your thighs just above your knees. Press your back against the back pad. Point your toes and extend your legs. Grasp the side handles. This is the starting position. Curl your legs by bending at the knee, pulling the machine lever down and back. Keep your body stationary at all times. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The Hamstrings is a group of muscles responsible for flexing the knee. Some members of the hamstring group also straighten the hip. Sometimes the term "leg biceps" is used instead of hamstrings but the leg biceps is actually part of the hamstring group.

Step 1

Position yourself in the seated leg curl machine, lower legs on top of the lever bar, back against the back pad, toes pointed, legs extended.


Position yourself in the seated leg curl machine and place your lower legs on top of the padded lever bar. Secure the lap pad against your thighs just above your knees. Press your back against the back pad. Point your toes and extend your legs. Grasp the side handles. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Curl your legs by bending at the knee, pulling the machine lever down and back. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly.


Curl your legs by bending at the knee, pulling the machine lever down and back. Keep your body stationary at all times. Pause briefly.

Step 3

Slowly return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Position yourself in the seated leg curl machine and place your lower legs on top of the padded lever bar. Secure the lap pad against your thighs just above your knees. Press your back against the back pad. Point your toes and extend your legs. Grasp the side handles.